Pascal Triangle and Genetic Algorithm - A Visualization
Inspired by a Wikipedia article, I replicate a way to visualize the Pascal Triangle and used the same approach in Genetic Algorithms
Once I came accross this wikipedia article about Pascal Triangle, there you can find the following animation:
I found it interesting to replicate this very animation in Python, just as a challenge and maybe later I would find a useful application for it. At the end I will add a link to the jupyter notebook so you can experiment your own variants. If you want, you can jump directly to the genetic algorithm application.
First, there are some tools we need to install:
- Jupyter (Optional): Notebook Interface
- Numpy: For array manipulation
- Matplotlib: For visualization and animation
- ffmpeg (Optional): For exporting the animation
Once everything is installed, we need to understand what is necessary, I decided to split the code in 5 parts, although it can be a single file script. The final result is the following:
First, import everything needed, this should be the first cell in the notebook or be placed at the top of the script
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import animation
from IPython.display import HTML # Only required for Jupyter
%matplotlib inline # Only required for Jupyter
Pascal Triangle
Secondly, define the proper functions to create a Pascal triangle, since for every frame only the last row is represented, a separate function that returns only that row is generated, to avoid unnecessary array manipulation. Additionally since many frames could be asked, it's important to cache the intermediate results since every pascal triangle is build based on the previous one, for this purpose a technique named memoization is used and this is the reason of why pascal_triangle is a recursive function.
def memoize(f):
memo = {}
def helper(x):
if x not in memo:
memo[x] = f(x)
return memo[x]
return helper
def pascal_triangle(n):
if n == 0:
return [np.array([1])]
prev = pascal_triangle(n - 1)[-1]
middle = np.add(prev[:-1], prev[1:])
return pascal_triangle(n - 1) + [np.array([1, *middle, 1], dtype=np.ulonglong)]
def pascal_last_row(n):
return pascal_triangle(n)[-1]
Animation Function
Thirdly, Matplotlib asks a function to animate which will generate each frame. For this purpose each frame is generated, adding extra white space to the sides when needed and returning a blank image for the 0 frame
def animate(i, length, ax, width):
if i == 0:
im = ax.imshow([[0],[0]], cmap='Greys', aspect='equal', extent=(0, width - 2, 0, length), animated=True)
return im,
elements = pascal_last_row(i)
extra_space = [0] * ((width - len(elements) - 1) // 2)
elements = extra_space + list(elements) + extra_space
real_width = len(elements)
if real_width % 2 == 1:
real_width -= 1
binary_elements = []
for j in elements:
row = []
for k in bin(j)[2:].zfill(length):
im = ax.imshow(np.transpose(binary_elements), cmap='Greys', aspect='equal', extent=(0, real_width, 0, length), animated=True)
return im,
Animation Video
Finally, the main part of the script is where the crucial variables are defined such as the number of frames and the width of the window.
frames = 20
last_row = pascal_last_row(frames)
length = len(bin(max(last_row))[2:]) - 1
width = len(last_row)
aspect_ratio = width / length
frame_width = 8
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(frame_width, frame_width / aspect_ratio))
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0.01, right=1, top=1)
if frames % 2 == 0:
width += 1
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=frames, interval=1000, blit=True, fargs=(length, ax, width))
plt.close() # Avoid extra picture
HTML(anim.to_html5_video()) # Only required for Jupyter, replace this line with for scripts
As a bonus, if the animation is needed as a separate file, ffmpeg can be used through Matplotlib to generate the corresponding mp4 file
Writer = animation.writers['ffmpeg']
writer = Writer(fps=1, metadata=dict(artist='Me'), bitrate=1800)'im.mp4', writer=writer)
Final Result
As seen at the beginning the previous code resulted in the following animation:
Everything showed above can be executed without installing anything just by using Binder, open the gist online and experiment yourself.
Application in Genetic Algorithms
When I started this visualization challenge, I had no application in mind but then I realized the same approach could be used for visualizing the genotype of a population of chromosomes in a traditional genetic algorithm. Each colum would represent a chromosome instead of a number each row a particular gene for each chromosome, being black if the gene is 1 and white if it is 0. This approach asumes a binary genotype configuration. Then another possible improvement is to sort them by fitness, the ones with the highest fitness on the left and the ones with the lowest on the right. Sorting them could help understanding patterns in the genotype that might not be obvious in the phenotype.
This is the result of finding the maximum of a function with elitism and high mutation. Each frame represents a population the next frame represents the childs of the previous one. The source code that generates this animation can be found in my personal github repository