Python Recursion: a Trampoline from the Mutual Head to the Memoized Nested Tail

Recursion in Python

Recursion is a key concept of programming. However, it is usually only superficially explored. There are different ways of having recursion, this post will illustrate them using Python examples, call graphs and step-by-step runs. Including cases of head, tail, nested and mutual recursion. For each case, the call graph will be shown.

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An old friend: The Factorial

Many if not all programming courses introduce the factorial function at some point. This function has great mathematical importance and yet it is simple enough to showcase how recursion works. However, the approach towards it and recursion, in general, is usually superficial.

Before digging into recursion, a procedural implementation using for-loops and while loops will be shown.

Side Note

This post abuses the fact that, in Python, when a function is defined multiple times only the last definition is used for future references. There will be many refinements over the definitions and to avoid any confusion, names will not be changed to reflect that, they all do the same. To further reinforce this idea, an assert statement will be added to show that results do not change even if the definition changes.

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def factorial(n: int) -> int:
    """Factorial function implemented using for loops"""
    result = 1
    for i in range(1, n + 1):
        result *= i
    return result

assert [factorial(i) for i in range(7)] == [1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720]

And next the while loop equivalent:

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def factorial(n: int) -> int:
    """Factorial function implemented using while loops"""
    result = 1
    multiplier = n
    while multiplier != 0:
        result *= multiplier
        multiplier -= 1
    return result

assert [factorial(i) for i in range(7)] == [1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720]

Between the for loop and the while loop implementation differences are visible. The for-loop approach is usually the one found in many sources online, it is short, uses only basic constructs and does the job. Whereas the while approach uses one extra variable, that being said, both are valid and share the same time and space complexity.

Another possibility, not as common as the previous ones, is a functional implementation using reduce:

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from functools import reduce

def factorial(n: int) -> int:
    """Factorial function implemented using reduce"""
    return reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, range(1, n + 1), 1)

assert [factorial(i) for i in range(7)] == [1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720]

Since the previous implementations are non-recursive, the call graph consists of a single node:

Non-Recursive Factorial Call Graph


After introducing one of the previous definitions of the factorial function, the "recursive form" is usually presented. A recursive function is a function that calls itself. There are multiple types of recursion though, and understanding them may have a huge impact on some programming languages. Before showing what the recursive version of the factorial looks like, it is important to clarify some concepts.

Why Recursion?

Recursion in and of itself is a wide field in computer science that may attract scientists and researchers. However, it is sometimes portrayed as a difficult topic and receives less attention than other techniques.

Although some may avoid recursion altogether, there are clear and noticeable benefits of using recursive functions, such as:

Direct vs Indirect Recursion

Most commonly, when one says "recursive function", it is meant "direct recursive function", that is, the function calls itself. The other way a function could be recursive is through "indirect recursion" where, instead of calling itself, it calls another function (or chain of functions) that will in turn call the first function.

Different types of direct recursions worth mentioning are:

Based on where the recursive call is done:

Based on the number of recursive calls:

Based on the number of functions involved:

Besides the previous classification, all recursive functions must have a termination condition or else they would enter in an infinite loop. Even though recursive functions do not need to be pure (i.e. they do not have side effects), it is common for recursive functions to be pure, this simplifies the interpretation. All the examples in this article are pure functions.

Linear Recursion

Linear recursion refers to functions where there is only one recursive call.

Based on the position of the recursive call it could be further subdivided into:

There is no difference between Middle Recursion and Head Recursion from an efficiency and algorithmic perspective. So no further exploration will not be done on those two.

When a function has more than one recursive call is called Multi Recursion, Nonlinear Recursion or Exponential Recursion. These cases will be covered in a later section.

The following is an example of a middle recursion implementation of the factorial function.

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def factorial(n: int) -> int:
    """Middle Recursion implementation of the factorial function"""
    if n == 0:
        return 1
    return n * factorial(n - 1)

assert [factorial(i) for i in range(7)] == [1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720]

It is middle recursion because the last statement is a multiplication (*) and not the recursive call itself. Depending on the operation order it could also be considered head recursion but that difference is not relevant for most contexts.

Another way to better show why this is middle recursion is to use additional variables to store interim results:

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def factorial(n: int) -> int:
    """Middle Recursion implementation of the factorial function"""
    if n == 0:
        return 1
    previous_factorial = factorial(n - 1)
    current_factorial = n * previous_factorial
    return current_factorial

assert [factorial(i) for i in range(7)] == [1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720]

In this more explicit implementation, it is clearer that the last logical statement is the multiplication n * previous_factorial.

The call graph in the case of linear recursive functions is a series of nodes called sequentially, hence the name:

Recursive Factorial Call Graph

When the last statement is the recursive call, the function is called tail recursion, which will be explored in the next section.

Tail Recursion

Tail recursion is when the return statement of the function is only a recursive call, this means that a function call could be replaced with another function call directly. Some languages (Python is not one of them), use a technique named Tail-Call Optimization, which makes this particular type of recursion very efficient.

One important clarification is that the return must not be an expression. An example of a straightforward function that can be implemented in a tail recursive way is the palindrome function:

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def palindrome(string: str) -> bool:
    "Returns True if the given string is a palindrome. Using tail recursion."
    if len(string) < 2:
        return True

    first, *rest, last = string
    if first != last:
        return False
    return palindrome(rest)

assert palindrome("a")
assert palindrome("aa")
assert palindrome("aba")
assert not palindrome("learn")
assert palindrome("rotator")

Recursive Palindrome

To better illustrate the fact that the returning statement must be only a function call, the following implementation is NOT a tail recursive function because the last statement is not a function call, it is a boolean expression that requires the function call to be executed before returning. The reason is the and operator which needs a value. This implementation is therefore a middle recursion.

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def palindrome(string: str) -> bool:
    "Returns True if the given string is a palindrome. Using middle recursion."
    if len(string) < 2:
        return True

    first, *rest, last = string
    return first == last and palindrome(rest)

assert palindrome("a")
assert palindrome("aa")
assert palindrome("aba")
assert not palindrome("learn")
assert palindrome("rotator")

Sometimes a function that is not expressed in tail-call form can be converted to that form. For example the following middle recursive function:

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def sum_integer_up_to_n(n: int) -> int:
    """Sums all integers from zero to n. Using middle recursion"""
    if n == 0:
        return 0

    return n + sum_integer_up_to_n(n - 1)

assert sum_integer_up_to_n(1) == 1
assert sum_integer_up_to_n(3) == 6

Recursive Sum Integer up to N

Can be rewritten into tail-recursive form as:

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def sum_integer_up_to_n(n: int, total: int = 0) -> int:
    """Sums all integers from zero to n. Using Tail recursion"""
    if n == 0:
        return total

    return sum_integer_up_to_n(n - 1, total=n + total)

assert sum_integer_up_to_n(1) == 1
assert sum_integer_up_to_n(3) == 6

Recursive Sum Integer up to N

This last version uses an additional parameter to pass the total down the call chain. This compromises readability for performance if the language implements tail-call optimization. This style of programming is widely used in languages like Prolog and some purely-functional languages.

In Python however the extra parameter can be hidden by using default values, this makes the implementation more similar to the original but it is implicitly hiding the way it truly works, which is against many coding styles. Use with caution.

In the same way as sum_integer_up_to_n, the factorial function could be re-written into a tail recursive form:

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def factorial(n: int, result: int = 1) -> int:
    if n == 0:
        return result

    return factorial(n - 1, n * result)

assert [factorial(i) for i in range(7)] == [1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720]

Tail Recursive Factorial

When comparing head/middle with tail recursion, the way each approach works differs and can be illustrated by inspecting the execution step by step:

# Head/Middle Recursion
3 * factorial(3 - 1)
3 * factorial(2)
3 * 2 * factorial(2 - 1)
3 * 2 * factorial(1)
3 * 2 * 1 * factorial(1 - 1)
3 * 2 * 1 * factorial(0)
3 * 2 * 1 * 1
# Tail Recursion
factorial(3 - 1, 3 * 1)
factorial(2, 3)
factorial(2 - 1, 3 * 2)
factorial(1, 6)
factorial(1 - 1, 6 * 1)
factorial(0, 6)

Multi Recursion

When there is more than one recursive call, a function is said to be multi-recursive. Multi-recursive functions can also be middle/head recursive or tail-recursive. A special case of Multi Recursion is when the recursive call is one of the arguments, in this case, it is referred to as nested recursive.

General Non-Linear Recursion

Many functions do not follow a precise pattern and they just use multiple recursive calls as part of their definition. One such example is a function that returns the nth Fibonacci number, to call the function two successive recursive calls are used.

This is the traditional implementation:

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def fibonacci(n: int) -> int:
    if n == 0:
        return 0
    if n == 1:
        return 1
    return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)

assert [fibonacci(i) for i in range(7)] == [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8]

Multi Recursive Fibonacci

In some cases, multi-recursive functions can be refactored into linear tail recursive functions.

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def fibonacci(n: int, partial_result: int = 0, result: int = 1) -> int:
    if n == 0:
        return 0
    if n == 1:
        return result
    return fibonacci(n - 1, result, partial_result + result)

assert [fibonacci(i) for i in range(7)] == [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8]

Fibonacci Tail Recursive

Tree Recursion

In the case of multi-recursive functions, it is possible to construct a tree of the function calls. All multi-recursive functions produce a tree, that being said, in some cases the definition leverages the divide-and-conquer strategy, minimizing the depth of the tree. One example of this is the quicksort algorithm:

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from typing import Collection

def quicksort(numbers: Collection[float]) -> list[float]:
    if len(numbers) <= 1:
        return numbers

    first, *rest = numbers

    left = [x for x in rest if x < first]
    right = [x for x in rest if x >= first]
    return quicksort(left) + [first] + quicksort(right)

assert quicksort([2, 4, 3, 5, 0, 1]) == list(range(6))
assert quicksort(list(reversed(range(10)))) == list(range(10))

Tree recursive quicksort

Here the function divides the input into two parts and each recursive call gets one of the parts. This strategy reduces the number of recursive calls by a great amount.

Converting non-tree recursion into tree recursion

Some functions that are originally linear recursive can be converted into tree recursive to reduce the depth of the recursive stack. This is usually easy on functions that operate on arrays.

Here is a linear recursive implementation of a function that returns the maximum value of a list:

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from typing import Iterable

def maximum(numbers: Iterable[float]) -> float:
    first, *rest = numbers
    if not rest:
        return first

    rest_max = maximum(rest)
    return first if first > rest_max else rest_max

assert maximum([2, 4, 3, 5, 0, 1]) == 5
assert maximum(list(range(10))) == 9

Maximum Linear recursion

This holds even if re-written into a tail-recursive form:

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from typing import Optional, Iterable

def maximum(numbers: Iterable[float], max_value: Optional[float] = None) -> float:
    first, *rest = numbers

    if max_value is None or first > max_value:
        max_value = first

    if not rest:
        return max_value

    return maximum(rest, max_value)

assert maximum([2, 4, 3, 5, 0, 1]) == 5

Maximum Linear tail recursion

Both implementations will have as many recursive calls as there are elements in the list. A similar approach to the quicksort algorithm can be used to reduce the number of calls, halving the length of the list each time. With this approach, the recursive stack will be shorter.

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from typing import Collection

def maximum(numbers: Collection[float]) -> float:
    first, *rest = numbers
    if not rest:
        return first

    middle = len(numbers) // 2
    left_max = maximum(numbers[:middle])
    right_max = maximum(numbers[middle:])
    return left_max if left_max > right_max else right_max

assert maximum([2, 4, 3, 5, 0, 1]) == 5
assert maximum(list(range(10))) == 9

Maximum Tree Recursion

Refactoring functions this way is not always possible, for functions like nth Fibonacci, it is not trivial to use a tree approach that reduces the number of recursive calls. A known solution called Fast Doubling has been discovered. Deriving this implementation requires a lot of effort and mathematical knowledge, such an approach may not apply to other functions.

The Fast Doubling Implementation is as follows:

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def fibonacci(n: int) -> int:
    # Fast Doubling Method
    if n == 0:
        return 0
    if n == 1:
        return 1

    is_odd = n % 2
    m = n // 2 + is_odd
    fib_m = fibonacci(m)
    fib_m_1 = fibonacci(m - 1)

    if is_odd:
        return fib_m_1**2 + fib_m**2
    return 2 * fib_m * fib_m_1 + fib_m**2

assert [fibonacci(i) for i in range(7)] == [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8]

Fast Double Fibonacci

It is even possible to further reduce the number of recursive calls by converting the multi-recursive function into a linear recursive function by changing its structure to return two values at once:

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def fibonacci(n: int) -> int:
    # based on:
    def nth_and_nth_plus_one(n: int) -> tuple[int, int]:
        if n == 0:
            return 0, 1

        fib_m, fib_m_1 = nth_and_nth_plus_one(n // 2)
        nth = fib_m * fib_m_1 * 2 - fib_m**2
        nth_plus_one = fib_m**2 + fib_m_1**2

        is_odd = n % 2
        if is_odd:
            nth_plus_two = nth + nth_plus_one
            return nth_plus_one, nth_plus_two
        return nth, nth_plus_one

    nth, _ = nth_and_nth_plus_one(n)
    return nth

assert [fibonacci(i) for i in range(7)] == [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8]

Linear Recursive Fibonacci

Even though in these examples with fibonacci(4) the difference is not drastic, the number of total calls in the call graph scales in notoriously different ways for each implementation, take for example fibonacci(100):

Nested Recursion

One special case of multi-recursion is when the argument of the recursive call is itself a recursive call. This is not usual in software development but could arise in mathematical fields. One example is the Hofstadter G Sequence:

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def hofstadter_g(n: int) -> int:
    if n == 0:
        return 0
    return n - hofstadter_g(hofstadter_g(n - 1))

assert [hofstadter_g(i) for i in range(7)] == [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4]

Recursive Hofstadter G

Refactoring nested recursion into non-nested multi-recursion or linear recursion is a non-trivial task and sometimes it may be impossible.

Triple Nested Recursion

The level of nesting is not limited to just two calls, the Hofstadter H Sequence has triple nesting recursion for example:

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def hofstadter_h(n: int) -> int:
    if n == 0:
        return 0
    return n - hofstadter_h(hofstadter_h(hofstadter_h(n - 1)))

assert [hofstadter_h(i) for i in range(6)] == [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4]

Recursive Hofstadter H

Nested Recursion with more than one argument

Some functions can have multiple arguments and be nested recursive. One example is the Ackermann function grows extremely fast due to this nested recursive definition and it is the simplest function proved not to be primitive recursive, meaning that it cannot be expressed in iterative form with for loops.

This function is currently used to test compilers' efficiency at handling really deep recursive functions. This is a case of a nested recursive function that is also tail recursive.

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def ackermann(m: int, n: int) -> int:
    if m == 0:
        return n + 1
    if m > 0 and n == 0:
        return ackermann(m - 1, 1)    
    return ackermann(m - 1, ackermann(m, n - 1))

assert [ackermann(i, j) for i in range(3) for j in range(3)] == [1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5, 7]

Recursive Ackerman

Indirect Recursion

So far, all the examples showed functions that called themselves, this is direct recursion. An alternative approach is indirect recursion, also known as mutual recursion. In this case, the same categories could be applied (linear, tail, head, nested, etc.), but the recursive call is now to another function, that other function will, in turn, call the original one.

Mutual Linear Recursion

A simple example of mutual linear tail recursion is a set of functions that determines if a number is odd or even:

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def is_even(n: int) -> bool:
    if n == 0:
        return True
    return is_odd(n - 1)

def is_odd(n: int) -> bool:
    if n == 0:
        return False
    return is_even(n - 1)

assert [is_even(i) for i in range(6)] == [True, False, True, False, True, False]
assert [is_odd(i) for i in range(6)] == [False, True, False, True, False, True]

Recursive Is Even

Of course, it is also possible to implement a function that computes the same in a non-recursive form. However, this example does not require division or modulo computation, it is much slower for big numbers.

Mutual Multi Recursion

Mutual recursion can also happen in multi-recursive functions. Take the following direct multi-recursive function that computes the nth Lucas number:

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def lucas(n: int) -> int:
    if n == 0:
        return 2
    if n == 1:
        return 1
    return lucas(n - 1) + lucas(n - 2)

assert [lucas(i) for i in range(7)] == [2, 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18]

Recursive Lucas

It is possible to write both the Lucas and the Fibonacci functions in a mutual recursive form:

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def lucas(n: int) -> int:
    if n == 0:
        return 2
    if n == 1:
        return 1
    return 2 * fibonacci(n) - fibonacci(n - 1) + lucas(n - 2)

def fibonacci(n: int) -> int:
    if n == 0:
        return 0
    if n == 1:
        return 1
    return (fibonacci(n - 1) + lucas(n - 1)) // 2

assert [lucas(i) for i in range(5)] == [2, 1, 3, 4, 7]
assert [fibonacci(i) for i in range(5)] == [0, 1, 1, 2, 3]

Mutual Recursive Fibonacci

This implementation is standalone and does not require any of the two functions to be defined in a direct recursive way. In practical terms, there is no gain as it makes the whole computation slower and less efficient, it is just for demonstration purposes.

Similarly, the sequence defined as the multiplication of the last two terms can be implemented in a direct multi-recursive form:

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def multiply_last_two(n: int) -> int:
    if n == 0:
        return 1
    if n == 1:
        return 2
    return multiply_last_two(n - 1) * multiply_last_two(n - 2)

assert [multiply_last_two(i) for i in range(7)] == [1, 2, 2, 4, 8, 32, 256]

Mutual Recursive Fibonacci

This again can be used to implement the Fibonacci and the multiply last two as mutually recursive functions.

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import math

def fibonacci(n: int) -> int:
    if n == 0:
        return 0
    if n == 1:
        return 1
    return int(math.log2(multiply_last_two(n - 1) * multiply_last_two(n - 2)))

def multiply_last_two(n: int) -> int:
    if n == 0:
        return 1
    if n == 1:
        return 2
    return 2 ** (fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2))

assert [fibonacci(i) for i in range(7)] == [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8]
assert [multiply_last_two(i) for i in range(7)] == [1, 2, 2, 4, 8, 32, 256]

Mutual Recursive Fibonacci Alternative

Mutual Nested Recursion

Mutual recursion can also appear in a nested form, as is the case of the Hofstadter Female and Male sequences which are mutually nested recursive.

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def hofstadter_female(n: int) -> int:
    if n == 0:
        return 1
    return n - hofstadter_male(hofstadter_female(n - 1))

def hofstadter_male(n: int) -> int:
    if n == 0:
        return 0
    return n - hofstadter_female(hofstadter_male(n - 1))

assert [hofstadter_female(i) for i in range(6)] == [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]
assert [hofstadter_male(i) for i in range(6)] == [0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3]

Mutual Recursive Fibonacci Alternative

Mutual Triple Recursion

Indirect recursion is not limited to only two functions, the following example combines the Lucas, Fibonacci and multiply last two functions in a triple mutual recursive form, where each function uses the other two and itself.

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import math

def lucas(n: int) -> int:
    if n == 0:
        return 2
    if n == 1:
        return 1
    return (
        2 * math.log2(multiply_last_two(n - 1) * multiply_last_two(n - 2))
        - fibonacci(n - 1)
        + lucas(n - 2)

def fibonacci(n: int) -> int:
    if n == 0:
        return 0
    if n == 1:
        return 1
    return (fibonacci(n - 1) + lucas(n - 1)) // 2

def multiply_last_two(n: int) -> int:
    if n == 0:
        return 1
    if n == 1:
        return 2
    return 2 ** (1.5 * fibonacci(n - 2) + 0.5 * lucas(n - 2))

assert [lucas(i) for i in range(6)] == [2, 1, 3, 4, 7, 11]
assert [fibonacci(i) for i in range(6)] == [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5]
assert [multiply_last_two(i) for i in range(6)] == [1, 2, 2, 4, 8, 32]

Mutual Recursive Fibonacci Alternative

Recursion is a wide field, and due to language, compilers and general developer experience limitations, several tools and techniques have been developed to improve recursion support and performance.


When dealing with recursive functions, it is important to keep track of the call stack and optimize it to avoid wasting resources. Many recursive functions call themselves multiple times with the same parameters in their call graph, these repeated calls can be cached (assuming the function is pure) to avoid (1) continuing traversing a recursive tree unnecessarily and (2) returning the result in constant time. This technique of caching previously computed results is called memoization.

Memoization is easy to implement in Python, both from scratch and using the standard library.

The from-scratch implementation can be written using decorators:

from functools import wraps
from typing import Callable, TypeVar, ParamSpec

T = TypeVar("T")
P = ParamSpec("P")

def memoize(function: Callable[P, T]) -> Callable[P, T]:
    cache: dict[str, T] = {}

    def wrapper(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T:
        nonlocal cache

        cacheable_args = str(tuple(sorted(args)) + tuple(sorted(kwargs.items())))
        if cacheable_args not in cache:
            cache[cacheable_args] = function(*args, **kwargs)
        return cache[cacheable_args]

    return wrapper

Another possibility is to use the standard library, which has support for memoization through functools.cache, this function is available in Python 3.9 or later. For older versions, it is also possible to use functools.lru_cache, which also adds the capability of setting a max limit of cached entries.

Memoization Examples

This section will show what the call graph of the above examples looks like when memoization is applied.

Take for example the following call graph for a multi-recursive implementation of fibonacci(5):

Mutual Recursive Fibonacci Alternative

When using memoization the total number of calls is reduced significantly (from 15 calls to 9):

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Mutual Recursive Fibonacci Alternative

Depending on the implementation, the effect of memoization is similar to linearizing the multi-recursive function, as the tree has much fewer branches while the depth is kept the same.

If considering the Fibonacci Fast Doubles implementation of fibonacci(10):

Mutual Recursive Fibonacci Alternative

This can also be reduced (from 15 calls to 11):

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Mutual Recursive Fibonacci Alternative

Memoization can also be applied to nested recursive functions such as the hofstadter_g(4):

Mutual Recursive Fibonacci Alternative

Now memoized (from 19 calls to 9):

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Mutual Recursive Fibonacci Alternative

Or deeply nested recursive functions like the hofstadter_h(3):

Recursive Hofstadter H

And now memoized (from 22 to 10 calls)

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Mutual Recursive Fibonacci Alternative

The same applies to more complex functions like the Ackermann function with Ackermann(2, 3):

Recursive Ackerman

And now memoized (from 44 calls to 23):

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Mutual Recursive Fibonacci Alternative

Memoization can also be used for mutual recursive functions, the following examples show the mutual fibonacci-lucas recursion and the Hofstadter female-male

Multi recursive fibonacci-lucas:

Mutual Recursive Fibonacci

And now memoized (from 26 to 13):

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Mutual Recursive Fibonacci Alternative

And the hofstadter female-male recursion:

Mutual Recursive Fibonacci Alternative

And now memoized (from 15 to 11 calls)

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Mutual Recursive Fibonacci Alternative

Taking the fibonacci(100) example from the previous section, when incorporating the memoized approach the results change substantially:

Since the tail recursive and the linear recursive implementation do not have repeated calls, memoization has no effect.


Another restriction that many languages (such as Python) have is call stack overflow, this happens when there are too many recursive calls in the call stack. It is possible with minimal modifications to the original functions to surpass this limitation and make the language treat the recursive function as an iteration and thus bypass the overflow. This technique is called trampoline and requires the function to be implemented in tail-recursive form.

Moreover, the function should defer the evaluation of the tail call by using an anonymous function (in Python called lambdas). This step is needed to simulate a lazy evaluation.

The following is an example of how to implement the tail recursive Fibonacci using trampolining for fibonacci(10000) which would normally cause RecursionError.

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from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TypeVar, Callable, TypeAlias

T = TypeVar("T")
TrampolineFunction: TypeAlias = "Callable[[], T | TrampolineFunction[T]]"

def trampoline(function_or_result: T | TrampolineFunction[T]) -> T:
    if not callable(function_or_result):
        return function_or_result

    while callable(function_or_result):
        function_or_result = function_or_result()

    return function_or_result

def fibonacci(
    n: int, partial_result: int = 0, result: int = 1
) -> int | TrampolineFunction[int]:
    if n == 0:
        return 0
    if n == 1:
        return result

    return lambda: fibonacci(n - 1, result, partial_result + result)

assert str(trampoline(fibonacci(10000))).startswith("3364476487")

This way of programming has several similarities with the continuation passing style since instead of executing the command, the function defers the execution to another function which in the end runs the command. In Object Oriented Programming similar behavior could have been achieved using the Command Pattern.

This particular implementation has a significant drawback, it hinders debugging and makes it less transparent, as can be seen in the run step-by-step example. This is the reason why the author of Python rejected the proposal to incorporate tail call optimization into the language.

The implementation above using lambdas is typical of other languages like Javascript. In Python, it is possible to implement it in a different way following Guido's approach which makes debugging easier and less cryptic. On the other hand, types become a bit more convoluted.

Run Step by Step Online

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TypeVar, Callable, TypeAlias, Iterable, cast

T = TypeVar("T")

TrampolineFunction: TypeAlias = "Callable[..., T | TrampolineResult[T] | T]"
TrampolineArgs = Iterable[T]
TrampolineResult: TypeAlias = "tuple[TrampolineFunction[T], TrampolineArgs[T]]"

def trampoline(function: TrampolineFunction[T], args: TrampolineArgs[T]) -> T:
    result = function(*args)

    while isinstance(result, Iterable):
        result = cast("TrampolineResult[T]", result)
        function, args = result
        result = function(*args)

    return result

def fibonacci(
    n: int, partial_result: int = 0, result: int = 1
) -> tuple[TrampolineFunction[int], tuple[int, int, int]] | int:
    if n == 0:
        return 0
    if n == 1:
        return result

    return fibonacci, (n - 1, result, partial_result + result)

assert str(trampoline(fibonacci, (10000,))).startswith("3364476487")

A combination of the previous two approaches can also be achieved by using partial evaluation through functools.partial. This way, the code is simpler and more similar to what one could find in other languages while still being easy to debug:

Run Step by Step Online

from __future__ import annotations

from functools import partial
from typing import TypeVar, Callable, TypeAlias

T = TypeVar("T")
TrampolineFunction: TypeAlias = "Callable[[], T | TrampolineFunction[T]]"

def trampoline(function: T | TrampolineFunction[T]) -> T:
    if not callable(function):
        return function

    while callable(function):
        function = function()

    return function

def fibonacci(
    n: int, partial_result: int = 0, result: int = 1
) -> int | TrampolineFunction[int]:
    if n == 0:
        return 0
    if n == 1:
        return result

    return partial(
        fibonacci, n=n - 1, partial_result=result, result=partial_result + result

assert str(trampoline(fibonacci(10000))).startswith("3364476487")

Trampolines allow to convert of recursive function calls into iterations. There is no built-in support like with the memoized technique and due to technical limitations, it is not possible to implement them as decorators, which would reduce the changes needed on the original function. The different implementations shown should give a grasp of what is possible and how it could be applied to other functions.

It is also possible to modify the default configuration of the interpreter to allow deeper recursions though. This can be done by setting a higher value to the sys.setrecursionlimit. This method requires however access to the sys module which may not be always available or editable.


Some programming languages execute instructions following a non-strict binding strategy, that is, the parameters of a function are not evaluated before the function is called. One such strategy is called call-by-need, which only evaluates the parameters when needed in the body of the function and caches them in case they are re-used.

When using recursive functions in languages that support call-by-need (like Haskell or R), the execution could be optimized as only a subset of all the recursive calls might be evaluated, thus reducing the cost of recursive functions.


Recursion is a diverse topic that can be used as leverage to overcome challenging problems, improve readability and facilitate the use of recursive data structures. In Python, it is possible to use recursion with some limitations, those could be mitigated by using memoization or trampolines. Other languages may use different strategies such as call-by-need or tail-call optimization.

Every program written in iterative form can be rewritten in recursive form, it is a good exercise to practice and gain intuition about recursion and when it can be applied.

In the end, recursion is another tool, it can be used everywhere but that is not necessarily the best decision always, analyzing the context and the cost-benefits is important.

If recursion is the way to go, aim for tail recursion if possible or to leverage memoization.

Some challenges for the reader to practice recursion: