Inspired by a Wikipedia article, I replicate a way to visualize the Pascal Triangle and used the same approach in Genetic Algorithms
Pascal Triangle and Genetic Algorithm - A Visualization

Inspired by a Wikipedia article, I replicate a way to visualize the Pascal Triangle and used the same approach in Genetic Algorithms
Fractals are awesome, they are built with very complex pattern and they allow you to zoom in forever! In this post we will see how easily it is to plot several kinds of fractals using a tool called L-Systems and the Python Turtle module for the step to step plotting.
Nowadays there are lots of tutorials and material to learn Artificial Inteligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning but whenever you want to do something interesting you notice you need a Nvidia GPU. In this tutorial we are going to solve this issue with a free cloud solution.
Having a single executable file could be a great advantage in so many cases and nowadays more a more desktop applications are using web technologies (React Native, Cordova, Ionic, etc.). It was time for the Python stack to join the Group via PyFlaDesk, a simple script to combine Flask, Qt and PyInstaller to create desktop Apps.
I started to learn a bit of Haskell and one of its features amazed me: Pattern Matching. Then, unexpectably, I notice Python 3 have them too but with a different name: Extended Tuple Unpacking. Okay, it's not exactly the same but you can get quite similar functionalities if you master it. This post is inspired by this question
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